The late afternoon hours are the guilt hours that haunt Rim to succumb herself in the world of junk foods. Everyday, walking & jogging for 2 miles, shedding 300 calories a day, becomes futile for this irrepressible habit. She calls it the ghostly hours which bewitch her to do the guilt. Her tongue starts to tickle, her belly starts to rumble and her limbs hypnotically draw her to the sneak picks to collect the chocolates or the chips which are hidden in some secret chambers away from her daughter's eyes. Her mind never supports this act, rather it will keep on counseling showing all the negative approaches with a long speech about' loosing weight is not a simple job'. But none can stop this gaga moment when she feels like tasting the heaven and enjoying the most serene hours of her life. Each bite to a chip, the munching sound, start to play the rhythm of happiness in her heart. She feels the childhood again, the stealthy attitude to steal something from her mother's kitchen. Now she is playing this kind of hide and seek with her daughter. She never makes any sound to wake her daughter up and destroy this happy hour when she gets only a chance to delve in the world of obstinacy, doing something totally unacceptable to some savvy culture who believe in beauty of a woman lies in her perfect chassis.

This was one in those ghostly hours she gave birth of the gooey creamy chocolate pie. When at the prime time no chips or chocolates were found, the chocolate pie from the movie Julie and Julia suddenly came in her mind and tried to strangle her. The delirium made her all most mad unless and until she made a so called chocolate pie to aplomb the crazy hours. She dug up her refrigerator and treasured a half pint of cream, a left over crumble cream cheese, from the shelf she rescued the chocolate morsels to ultimately free them. She made the chocolate filling and pour it in a pie crust. Proud she was quite in a transition when she first tasted the umber filling. It’s the best chocolaty chocolate repletion that she ever tasted in her life. The moment got frozen, the world stopped moving. It's only she and the pie who were propelled in smacking. She never thought that she would ever fall in love with this moment, with this taste. She never thought that the chocolate pie will give her the amorous feeling to feel the youth again.

She closed her eyes and she became Julie Powell of Julie & Julia suddenly, who was busy in making a chocolate Pie and searching for the pacification in it to get rid of the tension of a dissatisfied job. Then Her husband would come and give a pat for her creative culinary creation. Rim doesn't have a job. For the last couple of months she got tired in search of a job. So she can't grumble on that rather she has an excuse to show her discontentment for the unemployed state.
But she didn't want to spoil this rattling moment when the chocolate pie was working as a psychoactive drug and giving her the intense pleasure of reaching the utopia. She giggled in her mind as she thought that she had become a chocoholic and going to the doctor to get treated.
She suddenly heard a sound. And her heart started to beat fast.
Was her daughter woke up from her noon time siesta?
Her heart sank down for a moment. She wanted to enjoy this moment more for sometime. Her disheartened soul stalked to her daughter's room. She jumped with joy. No her daughter was still in a deep sleep. Her heart melted down in love seeing the innocent face, a face in peace and totally unaware of what was happening around. She showered a bucket of kisses from a distance to her daughter and then tiptoed back to the kitchen.
Now it was the time to give a final look to the chocolate pie. The filling she made that only covered half of the crust. Rim got baffled in thought how to fill the empty space of the crust. She started to search her kitchen to find an accompaniment for her chocolate pie. Her hand suddenly bumped with a packet of Britannia Thin Arrowroot biscuit. She hated this biscuit through out her life, till now Rim hated that 'dry', 'less sweet', 'no taste' biscuits form the bottom of her heart.
Then why were the packet hanging around her pantry??
In her first visit to the Indian store in this extraneous land she collected all the Indian labeled food as a souvenir. This packet also came along with those. She bought it, pushed it in a suffocating dark corner to decompose. But every time whom we neglect too much they rescue us in our most low time.
'Ting'-The thin arrowroot biscuit packet lighted an idea in her mind. She grinded half of the packet of the biscuits and spread a bed of biscuit crumbs on the empty space of the pie. Her favorite bottle of chocolate syrup also didn't hesitate to empty itself in designing a clunky topping on the pie. An enchanted smile started to spread in her face and a jolted sensation started to run in her vein, in her blood. She put it in the Refrigerator to set.

Her greedy soul was not in a mood to wait for any more so she cut a small piece of the chocolate pie and relaxed herself on the chair. She took the first bite . She felt a luscious commingled taste of a tangy-sweetness of the chocolate filling, the crispy crust and a tasteless powdery puff of the biscuit crumb. Rim closed her eyes. She saw her mother, 10 years back, requesting Rim to have thin arrowroot biscuits as the grocery was pending and only the biscuits were there to calm the hungry tide. And Rim in full of rejection showing her mother to get tortured by finding some other way to feed her. She felt her throat was choking and tears started to well up in her eyes. She took the second bite. She felt like she was at home with her parents. She was cuddling in her mother's arms. An intense happiness fluxed through her body. She never knew that the fumbling little chocolate pie would turned those ghostly hours in an enlivened flavor. She never knew that a silly little crazy desire would show her the spirits of life.
Dear readers, please do let me know how you like the story. Honest opinions are very much welcome. I really need your frank and true feedbacks. All characters mentioned in the story are fictitious, unless and until mentioned. And of course don't forget to let me know how you like the Chocolate pie too. This is very easy to make and the taste is too good. Now enjoy the recipe below:

Instant Pie Crust- 1 Chocolate Morsels- 1 cup Light Cream- ½ cup
Cream Cheese- 2 table spoon full (room temperature)
Sugar- as per taste
Thin Arrowroot Biscuit- 12-14
Chocolate Syrup (optional)- For topping
1. Melt the chocolate in the microwave for 1mnt. Pls keep on checking in between so that it should not get burnt. You can also use a double boiler instead. 2. Add the cream and fold nicely. 3. In a separate bowl beat the cream cheese in a smooth paste and then add the chocolate mixture in it. Taste the mixture, if you want to add more sweetness to it, then add a couple of spoons of sugar more.
4. Pour the mixture to the pie crust.
5. Grind the biscuits in crumbs and then pour on the pie. Spread the crumbs evenly to make soft puffy bed on the top of the creamy chocolate layer.
6. You can add some chocolate syrup on the top to add more chocolaty flavour and make it more attractive. 7. Set in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Then cut it and enjoy as a tea time snack or a perfect dessert at the dinner table.