Once upon a time in a far away land was born a little princess who gave her parents the first proud feeling to become a Father and a Mother. What her parents felt at that time and what the dreams they might have woven in their eyes she never knew or never understood until she faced the same state what her parents confronted so many years back. Throughout her stage of celibacy she tried to revolt against the norms those were delineated around her by her parents. She wanted to taste the life of freedom and independency. But she was always unaware of the fact what actual freedom meant and what was the meaning of true independency. She wanted to run away from most of all those disciplines made by her parents and always wanted to prove that she was a grown up lady and also the most matured person like her parents, taking all decisions of her own. That was the meaning of freedom and independency to her. She never wanted to feel like a kid when her mother or father used to show their altruistic love to her. She never knew then what she was to her parents. Until the day came when again she held a little princess in her arms and saw the reflection of her mother in herself. All her past years kept on moving like a slideshow and within a fraction of moment she understood her parents, their love and care, their disciplines and they were right all those years and she was proved wrong in front of her bundle of joy. Before she got married to her prince she earnestly wished to god that when she would get married she should have a girl to bring her up just after her mind. She would not put any discipline on her; give her the full freedom to do whatever she wants. Silly she never knew that she was going to espouse the reality so soon.
Today her little princess turned three years old. The little princess is the same reflection of her childhood and she is in the same shoe of her mother. Now she feels herself the mirror image of her mother inside her. And she is following all the same steps of motherhood how her mother fostered her.
One instance- Whenever she used to sit or sleep by her mother, her mother used to put a hand on her. She used to feel very irritated at that time. But her mother told that the touch gave her a feeling of protection and security for her daughter. She never understood the meaning, rather she felt more ragged. Now again the same reflection she is watching in herself, the same scenario too. She feels very content in her mind when she is in a touch with her daughter, but her daughter shows her disapproval.
We only understood our parents when we are on their shoes. Now she is weaving the same disciplines and norms, what she has learned from her parents. She never knew how and when those agitated rules became fundamental in her personality and now cycling in the character as the salutary quality. Now she is looking forward to face her daughters revolts and complains and making herself prepare to be a perfect mother with the help of the reflections of her parents and herself too.
Again the time has come to enjoy the childhood once again with her daughter. Face the reflection of her and feel her mother in her with the fullest.
Today her little princess turned three years old. The little princess is the same reflection of her childhood and she is in the same shoe of her mother. Now she feels herself the mirror image of her mother inside her. And she is following all the same steps of motherhood how her mother fostered her.
One instance- Whenever she used to sit or sleep by her mother, her mother used to put a hand on her. She used to feel very irritated at that time. But her mother told that the touch gave her a feeling of protection and security for her daughter. She never understood the meaning, rather she felt more ragged. Now again the same reflection she is watching in herself, the same scenario too. She feels very content in her mind when she is in a touch with her daughter, but her daughter shows her disapproval.
We only understood our parents when we are on their shoes. Now she is weaving the same disciplines and norms, what she has learned from her parents. She never knew how and when those agitated rules became fundamental in her personality and now cycling in the character as the salutary quality. Now she is looking forward to face her daughters revolts and complains and making herself prepare to be a perfect mother with the help of the reflections of her parents and herself too.
Again the time has come to enjoy the childhood once again with her daughter. Face the reflection of her and feel her mother in her with the fullest.
.......Happy Birthday Little Princess.....
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